Assess chances

Ontario had three immigration draws at once

Ontario had three immigration draws at once

The province issued invitations to skilled workers and university graduates.

On April 4, Ontario held draws for several streams of the provincial immigration program. The total number of invitations was 889.

The largest number of candidates, 752, was selected among master's graduates. They had to score 52 points or higher in the evaluation system. In the previous drawing, which was held on January 25, the passing score was 8 points lower.

131 invitations were issued to Ph.D. graduates. This is the first draw in 2023, and the passing score was 48. Points for master's and Ph.D. candidates are based on work experience in Canada, occupation, income, field of study, language skills, and other factors.

6 more candidates were selected in the Foreign Worker stream. The draw was targeted — only at those who took advantage of the Economic Mobility Pathways program for skilled refugees. The previous draw for foreign workers also invited only refugees.

We track the history of Ontario immigration draws so you always know the current passing scores and the number of invitations sent.

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  • #immigration to Ontario
  • #permanent residency in Canada
  • #immigration to Canada for graduates
  • #immigration to Canada through OINP
  • #immigration to Canada through Ontario program
  • #immigration draws Ontario
  • #immigration to Canada through education
  • #work in Ontario
  • #Ontario EOI
  • #Ontario Masters Graduate
  • #Ontario Foreign Worker
  • #Ontario PhD Graduate