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British Columbia has launched the issuance of attestation letters for students

British Columbia has launched the issuance of  attestation letters for students

On March 4, the Province of British Columbia officially launched the provincial attestation letter system required for student visas.

It is known that on January 22, 2024, the Government of Canada changed the rules regarding study visas for international students. One of the innovations was the system of obtaining provincial attestation letters (PAL).

The Province of British Columbia officially announced that the new system for issuing attestation letters came into effect on March 4, 2024. The province will now begin issuing attestation letters to institutions so that international students can apply for admission and be authorized to study in Canada.

B.C. Minister of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills Lisa Beare said the provincial government is committed to minimizing as soon as possible the negative impacts on educational organizations and international students that may result from the new restrictive measures.

Under the new allocation, the province of British Columbia will be able to process 83,000 student visa applications from foreigners for undergraduate education programs in 2024, which is 14,000 less than the previous year. 50,000 applications are expected to be approved.

The percentage of letters of certification will be 53 percent for public post-secondary institutions  and the remaining 47 percent for private institutions. In this way, British Columbia seeks to support public educational institutions and their international student programs.

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  • #student visa
  • #study permit
  • #study in Canada
  • #education in Canada
  • #international students in Canada
  • #study in British Columbia
  • #universities in British Columbia
  • #Canada attestation letters
  • #higher education in Canada