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Vancouver police dispersed people on the beach with a helicopter

Vancouver police dispersed people on the beach with a helicopter

Residents refused to leave the beaches even after they were closed.

The weather in Vancouver was warm and sunny this weekend, and residents decided to relax on the beaches en masse.

According to Sgt. Steve Addison, tens of thousands of people took to the streets Saturday. Around 10 p.m., as the beaches closed, police officers began patrolling the area and urging people to return home.

"Although most people listened, there were some who objected," Addison says. — At one point people started throwing bottles at the officers."

Resistance from residents was so strong that police had to deploy an Air 1 RCMP helicopter and a Marine unit to light up the beach and help disperse the crowd.

Vancouver BeachA similar incident occurred on Friday. Two people were arrested for fighting, and officers also had to light up the beach from a helicopter to force residents to go home. Police did not say whether fines were issued for violating quarantine restrictions.

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  • #Canada news
  • #Vancouver news
  • #Vancouver police
  • #Vancouver beaches
  • #Vancouver restrictions
  • #Vancouver quarantine
  • #British Columbia news