Father can be charged with domestic violence if he fails to confirm that his daughter is a man

Father can be charged with domestic violence if he fails to confirm that his daughter is a man

A Vancouver resident is now in custody for protesting his daughter's sex change.

Robert Hoogland has been outspoken about his opposition to so-called "gender-affirming" health care, hoping to prevent his daughter from suffering irreversible harm. Hoogland's ex-wife, who is supported by the Canadian medical and legal system, continues the process of "gender reassignment" of their child against the father's will.

At school, his daughter was shown gender identity training materials called SOGI 123. Hoogland discovered that when his daughter was in seventh grade, she was called by a different name because the school counsellor had changed her name without informing her parents. According to this counselor, the child suffered from "gender dysphoria." Hoogland's daughter was reportedly advised to take testosterone and was referred to the endocrinology department at a nearby hospital. The school decided to do this on its own after receiving information from psychologist Wallace Wong, a well-known gender ideologue.

When Hoogland decided to argue the case in court, the judge ruled that his consent was irrelevant and that unless he confirmed that his daughter was "male," he would be charged with "domestic violence."

"A year ago I had a perfectly healthy child, and that perfectly healthy child was changed and destroyed for no good reason," Hoogland himself commented on the situation. — She will never be able to go back to being the girl in the healthy body she was supposed to have. She will always have a low voice. She'll always have to shave because of the facial hair. She won't be able to have children."

The girl's father will remain in police custody pending a decision on his release, which will be made at 9:30 a.m. Friday in Vancouver Superior Court.

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  • #Gender reassignment in Canada
  • #gender dysphoria in Canada
  • #gender reassignment of a child in Canada
  • #Canadian laws
  • #Health Canada