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Will Canada experience a new gold rush?

Will Canada experience a new gold rush?

We explain what graphite means for a carbon-free economy and what it will bring to Canada.

A large deposit of valuable minerals known as the Lac de l'Il Magmatic Complex is located two hours away from Ottawa. Just yesterday, this place turned into a battlefield for leadership in the carbon-free economy as graphite deposits were discovered. This is a critical component of electric motors and batteries.

The future of the world industry lies with graphite, as 77 countries have pledged to transition to a "green economy" by 2050. This is a type of production that reduces environmental pollution and carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. Some countries, including Canada, have already introduced a carbon tax. Now Canadians who want to drive regular cars must pay an additional tax on fuel.

Experts predict a boom in the popularity of electric transportation in five years. Hugh Jackman, the director of the mining company Northern Graphite, has similar expectations. He believes that graphite will become critically important for world markets within 3-4 years.

The open deposit in Canada is significant for the future of the entire Western world. It surpasses all other graphite deposits in North America in volume and may even compete with China, which is the dominant supplier of this mineral.

However, Jackman says his company lacks the CAD 150 million investment to increase production volumes. Private investors are afraid to take on such risks, but governments, including America, have already shown interest. The US Department of Defense has stated that it is ready to invest in the development of the deposit. The Canadian Ministry of Natural Resources also expressed a desire to support the project, but it cannot fully finance it.

If Northern Graphite starts mining the mineral on schedule, it will be a huge boost for the Canadian economy. Perhaps it could even displace America from the pedestal and become the first economy in the West.

However, some doubt this. For example, the Conservative Party of Canada believes that it will take not five, but fifteen years to develop, and mining graphite in Lac de l'Il will be unprofitable. Jackman and his supporters argue that with proper resource investment, they can supply graphite to the world in just four years. Only time will tell who is right.

Stay tuned for our news to learn more about the Canadian economy. And if you're ready to invest in it, learn about immigration opportunities for investors from our consultants.

  • #economy in Canada
  • #Canadian economy
  • #economic growth in Canada
  • #industry in Canada
  • #carbon tax
  • #green economy
  • #carbon-neutral economy
  • #mining industry in Canada