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An unknown disease has baffled doctors in New Brunswick

An unknown disease has baffled doctors in New Brunswick

Symptoms of the new disease: behavioral changes, sleep disturbances, pain, visual hallucinations.

The Health Department is closely monitoring more than 40 patients at New Brunswick hospitals. They are suffering from an unknown disease whose symptoms resemble Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. It's an incurable and deadly brain disease.

In a memo to the New Brunswick medical community, the department noted 42 cases of progressive neurological syndrome of unknown origin.

The first case of the disease was diagnosed in 2015. In 2019, doctors found 11 cases, in 2020 — 24, and in 2021 — 6 more cases. Five patients died.

The disease affects all age groups. Known cases are concentrated in two areas: the Acadian Peninsula in northeastern New Brunswick and the Moncton area in the southeast. The Department of Health notes that all patients were living in the northeast and Moncton at the time the first symptoms appeared. Infection may have occurred in other areas. To date, no cases have been detected in the rest of Canada.

Prion disease or a new disease?

A research team led by neurologist Alier Marrero drew a preliminary conclusion: the disease is not genetic, the contamination occurred through water, food or air.

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  • #Canada news
  • #New Brunswick news
  • #Montcon news
  • #unknown disease in Canada
  • #unknown brain disease
  • #Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
  • #prion disease in Canada
  • #disease in Montcon
  • #Canada chief medical officer
  • #health department