Assess chances

There's a lost kangaroo running around somewhere in Ontario.


They're looking for him with drones.

Late in the evening of November 30, a kangaroo escaped from a zoo in Ontario. The animal has not yet been caught, and today the search for it continues — and modern equipment is involved.

How did this happen?

The escaped animal is one of two kangaroos that were just being transported to the Quebec Zoo. Midway through the journey, a stop was made at the Oshawa Zoo to give the animals a rest from the road. At this opportune moment, the marsupial jumped over the trainers' heads and fled in an unknown direction.

The kangaroo was last seen in the middle of the day on December 1 on Winchester Road, about three kilometers south of the zoo. Staff are asking eyewitnesses not to approach the animal as it could be dangerous. While the escaped female herself is not aggressive, she may be frightened. The best thing those who encounter the animal can do is to report it to the police.

How's the search going?

Cameron Preyde, zoo supervisor, said they are using drones and thermal imaging cameras to comb the area:

"We’d rather just have eyes on it so we know where it is, and then we can develop a plan based on this situation then."

There are now 40 zoo staff on standby, who will have to move quickly to the site when the animal is discovered. The Toronto Zoo is already promising to help by providing a tranquilizer gun. Preyde believes this method is not ideal, but no one has yet come up with another way to subdue the kangaroo.

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  • #kangaroo
  • #escaped kangaroo in Ontario
  • #escaped kangaroo
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