Assess chances

Additional funds have been allocated to attract French-speaking newcomers

Additional funds have been allocated to attract French-speaking newcomers

Francophone immigration is a priority for Canada.

Immigration Minister Marc Miller has once again emphasized the importance of attracting French-speaking immigrants to Canada. This time, the state is ready to back it up with action. The authorities are investing CA$ 85,000 to researchers at the Université de l'Ontario français to operate a special committee on French-speaking immigration.

The committee's research will identify and remove barriers to francophone immigration. Which means Canada will be able to get this priority immigration stream up and running in the near future. Under Canada's new immigration plan, the quota of French-speaking arrivals rises to 6 percent in 2024 — and that's not including Quebec.

"Francophone immigration plays a key role in supporting the vitality and growth of Francophone communities outside Quebec," Minister Miller emphasized.

A committee consisting of representatives of universities and the public will support the work of key players in the francophone immigration sector with public funds. The results of the funded study on francophone immigration will serve as a guideline for a further work plan.

The Ministry of Immigration was actively working on a full-fledged strategy to attract French-speaking migrants and had recently held consultations on it with the provincial and territorial governments concerned. The launch of a full-fledged francophone immigration policy is planned for the near future.

  • #immigration to Canada
  • #francophone immigration
  • #French in Canada
  • #Canada immigration plan
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