A food truck exploded in a park in Ontario

A food truck exploded in a park in Ontario

The fire department is trying to understand the causes of what happened.

Something strange happened in one of the parks in the town of Gravenhurst in the Muskoka Bay Park in Ontario. A Tika Taka food truck exploded in a local park. The cause of the explosion is still unknown, but the van was blown into small pieces.

The fire department arrived on the scene promptly. The officers reported that there were no injuries and that the damage — in addition to the Tika Taka — was only to a nearby house. The fire chief commented on this happy coincidence as follows:

"It was unoccupied, and everyone that was in the park area was far enough away from the blast area (that) they weren’t injured."

However, according to eyewitnesses, the sound of the explosion was heard within a radius of several kilometers. The incident happened on Sunday, but part of the park is still closed. At the moment, the dangerous debris scattered all over the area, such as glass and metal, is being cleaned up.

The fire department separately praised nearby citizens for their responsibility. The emergency services were called immediately after the food truck exploded.

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  • #Tagged living in Canada
  • #Ontario
  • #living in Ontario
  • #food truck explosion
  • #food truck explosion
  • #food truck explosion
  • #Canadian firefighters
  • #Muskoka
  • #Muskoka Bay
  • #Gravenhurst
  • #Parks Canada