Canada has strengthened its monitoring of the rights of foreign workers

Canada has strengthened its monitoring of the rights of foreign workers

Authorities explain employers' responsibilities and share a blacklist.

Employment and Social Development Canada has introduced a number of rules for employers hiring foreign professionals. To formulate them, 20 information sessions were held in advance. Participants included various stakeholders: employers themselves, their associations, consulates and federal agencies.

How will this be monitored?

The program for temporary foreign workers implies the possibility of feedback from the state. That is, improper employer behavior can be reported to the ministry, where the application will be reviewed within two days, the employer's history with the program will be examined, and then a check can be initiated. This may involve announced or unannounced visits to the workplace and interviews with employees, supervisors and the employer.

The Ministry cooperates with other government departments, provinces, consulates and migrant support organizations. If criminal activity is suspected, information is passed on to law enforcement agencies.

The authorities aim to bring working conditions at all enterprises in the program in line with regulations and to inform all employers of their responsibilities.

What sanctions await violators?

If an employer fails to comply with the program requirements or fails to cooperate during an inspection, he or she may be issued an administrative monetary penalty, revoked the ability to bring in foreign workers, and banned from the program. Employers that do not meet the program standards are listed on a publicly accessible website.

Canada's official position on foreign professionals

Ensuring the health and safety of foreign workers is a key priority for the Government of Canada. While in Canada, these employees have the same rights to a safe workplace as Canadian citizens and permanent residents.

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