Changes in Ontario schools

Changes in Ontario schools

The government is committed to create a world-class education system that will prepare students for tomorrow's world.

Each Canadian province has its own peculiarities: traditions and political life, holidays, and laws. The education system is no exception, each province differs from the others, although all have common goals.

Ontario's legislative changes will lay the foundation for a first-class education system working toward the same priorities: to improve student outcomes in important life-long skills like reading, writing, and math.

It is important to note that school board performance varies across provinces in terms of indicators related to literacy, math, and other skills and knowledge.

Some boards actively share their vision and plans with parents, allowing them to evaluate the board's work. Other schools are less open, so the province decided to unify requirements for all school boards.

Ontario government has decided to set common priorities and requirements. School boards will become more organized. Proposed legislative and future regulatory changes, if passed, would:

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  • #schools in Canada
  • #education system in Canada
  • #schools in Ontario
  • #Canadian students' literacy
  • #Canadians' daily life
  • #Minister of Education
  • #Ministry of Education