Serious illness forced Celine Dion to cancel all her concerts

Serious illness forced Celine Dion to cancel all her concerts

The 54-year-old Canadian singer addressed her fans on Instagram. She talked about her progressive illness and the cancellation of all her concerts.

Celine Dion spoke about the detection of muscle stiff person syndrome, also called Moersch-Woltman syndrome. As she explained, it is an understudied progressive disease. The singer constantly feels muscle spasms in different parts of her body. They cause severe pain, limit mobility, and interfere with her life.

The Canadian singer shared that she has been experiencing severe discomfort when she moves and sings for quite some time. But it's only now that doctors have made the diagnosis.

According to Johns Hopkins University in the United States, stiffness syndrome occurs in 1-2 people per million. It affects the central nervous system and causes a person to be more sensitive to noise, touch, and feel stress.

Dr. Scott Newsome, a neurologist at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, says, "This disease is becoming more known because there are more symptoms associated with it, including eye muscle and bowel problems."

What is known about this disease:

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  • #Celine Dion's illness
  • #Seline Dion
  • #incurable illness
  • #Canadian celebrities
  • #Celine Dion canceled concerts