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Saskatchewan will remove all restrictions

Saskatchewan will remove all restrictions

The government is ready to abolish even the mask regime.

On June 20, the Saskatchewan government officially announced that it will lift all current health restrictions related to COVID-19, including mandatory mask-wearing and restrictions on gatherings and events, on July 11.

According to the province's opening plan, a minimum of 70% of the population aged 12 and over must receive at least the first dose of vaccine in order to do so. On May 20, the rate was 69%.

"As we are already close to the threshold, we can announce that the third phase of the lifting of restrictions will be implemented on Sunday, July 11," said Provincial Premier Scott Moe.

He also thanked Saskatchewan residents for being vaccinated and complying with quarantine measures during the 15 months of the pandemic. Just one day before the announcement, authorities had said all restrictions would be lifted on July 11, but that a mask regime would remain in place and gatherings would be limited in number, but the plan was revised.

  • #Canada news
  • #Saskatchewan news
  • #restrictions in Saskatchewan
  • #lifting restrictions in Saskatchewan
  • #COVID-19 in Saskatchewan
  • #COVID-19 in Canada
  • #COVID-19 vaccination
  • #vaccination in Saskatchewan
  • #COVID-19 vaccination in Saskatchewan