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Ontario continues to support sexual minority students article

Ontario continues to support sexual minority students article

The province is taking steps to combat homophobia and promote integration

Steven Lecce, Minister of Education, made the announcement as part of the province's ongoing efforts to promote an education system that supports and protects human rights and equality for all students.

"Discrimination, bullying and other forms of hate are unacceptable in our province," said Jill Dunlop, Deputy Minister of Children and Women's Affairs. — I'm proud that our government is working with different sectors, including schools, to ensure that Ontario's children and youth feel engaged and supported. It is vital that at such a vulnerable age, students know they are there to help.

The Ontario government recognizes that homophobia poses a serious threat to the mental well-being and safety of LGBTQI+ students. The government recently announced that funding for student mental health will increase to $80 million for the 2021-2022 school year, a four-fold increase from 2017-2018.

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  • #LGBTQ community in Canada
  • #youth in Canada
  • #Canadian schoolchildren
  • #Stephen Lecce
  • #Canada's education system
  • #Ontario government
  • #mental health