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Canada aims to attract largest number of migrants in history

Canada aims to attract largest number of migrants in history

The country has lost in the number of immigrants over the past two months, a trend expected to reverse by the end of the year.

In April 2021, Canada welcomed 21,105 new immigrants, the lowest numbers since the beginning of the year (the country welcomed 24,680 new immigrants in January and 23,395 in February). However, under Canada's 2021-2023 immigration plan, the country aims to admit at least 401,000 new immigrants each year starting this year. These are the highest targets in Canadian history, and are linked to the federal government's intention to support Canada's post-pandemic economic recovery.

Last year, Canada sought to admit 341,000 new immigrants; due to many restrictions related to the coronavirus, the number of new arrivals reached only 184,000. Travel restrictions led to Canada's lowest immigration numbers since 1998. In April 2020, the country managed to welcome just over 4,000 new immigrants, the weakest month for Canadian immigration since World War II.

It looks like Canada will not be able to reach its new goal this year either, however, a number of factors could lead to the country gaining momentum and getting closer to reaching it. First, the summer months tend to see higher levels of immigration. Second, the Canadian government is starting to openly discuss easing travel restrictions. Third, the Immigration Canada (IRCC) is working hard to convert temporary residents into Canadian residents through Express Entry, provincial and other programs. The IRCC has already invited more than 81,000 applicants to apply for permanent residency in 2021, nearly double last year's figures.

All of these factors could contribute to the number of immigrants exceeding at least the 300,000 new resident threshold by the end of 2021.

  • #immigration to Canada
  • #immigration in 2021
  • #coronavirus immigration
  • #Immigration Canada
  • #coronavirus restrictions
  • #pandemic in Canada
  • #immigration to Canada
  • #coronavirus epidemic
  • #how to immigrate with coronavirus