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Canada's new climate plan to be unveiled at US summit


Justin Trudeau is looking forward to working with Joe Biden, and Canadians are preparing for the innovations.

The Canadian government this time announced an ambitious new goal: to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2030. Such a statement exceeds the goal of the previous waste reduction plan by 10%. And Canada has only managed to reduce its emissions by 1% over the past 15 years. And while this announcement has more to do with White House pressure, Justin Trudeau is betting big on US President Joe Biden's climate agenda.

Canadian companies are hoping to get new contracts and injections into the economy, and while the plan is still before Congress, it is already beginning the necessary course correction.

The project budget is $2 trillion USD, of which $174 billion is allocated for the development of electric vehicles market and $1 billion for the reconstruction of the U.S. electric grid.

Implementing such a plan would set a clean energy standard that energy companies must meet. This could mean new sales for Canadian hydropower and alternative energy companies.

On top of that, the development of the electric car market will have a positive impact on Quebec's program. The province plans to put 1.5 million electric cars on the road by 2030.

Under both Trudeau and Harper, the previous prime minister, Canada has pledged to reduce emissions to 30 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030, but neither party has, until recently, developed a credible plan to put the country on track to meet that goal.

Now, using Biden's involvement in combating climate change, Canada hopes to work with the United States to reduce methane emissions from oil and gas production and harmonize fuel efficiency regulations for new cars.

All of this also implies a lifestyle change for ordinary Canadians — making some hard decisions about energy consumption, driving and commuting habits, and a willingness to learn new skills in a changing workforce.

  • #climate summit
  • #Joe Biden climate plan
  • #Justin Trudeau goals
  • #emissions reduction in Canada
  • #Canada climate program
  • #Canada climate plan
  • #environment in Canada
  • #Canada goals
  • #Justin Trudeau
  • #Joe Biden
  • #environment
  • #Canada news
  • #Canada and USA