Vaccination leave - who can get it?

Vaccination leave - who can get it?

One provincial government has come up with another way to encourage residents to get vaccinated.

COVID-19 vaccinations often involve waiting lists, so not everyone can get vaccinated when they are not at work. What can you do to get vaccinated and keep your job? The provincial government of British Columbia has found a solution. Authorities have announced that residents can take as many days off from work as needed to get vaccinated.

"B.C. residents need to get vaccinated if we want to stop the pandemic," Labour Minister Harry Baines said in a statement. — This safety measure ensures that no one loses their job if it takes time to get vaccinated against COVID-19."

The provincial government said it has made regulatory changes under the Employment Standards Act to quickly introduce leave with pay. This will allow people who work both full-time and part-time to find time to vaccinate or accompany a family member to be vaccinated.

"I encourage everyone to get vaccinated as soon as it's your turn," Baines said. — "I know most businesses understand how important it is to vaccinate employees and keep them and their customers safe.

But that's not all. Authorities also say they will explore options for giving workers paid time off for vaccinations.

In addition to vaccination leave, the new rules allow you to take job-protected leave to care for family members because of COVID-19 (previously, you could only take leave to care for a child or dependent adult). People with medical conditions that make them more vulnerable to COVID will also be able to take leave.

This is not the first attempt to encourage people to get vaccinated. Residents in one Vancouver neighbourhood were offered a monetary reward for getting vaccinated.

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  • #British Columbia
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  • #COVID-19 vaccination in B.C.
  • #vaccination in Canada
  • #COVID-19 vaccination in B.C.
  • #vacation for vaccination in B.C.
  • #vacation for vaccination period in British Columbia